FLORA Artist Painter
FLORA Painter
FLORA poet
Un parcours, trois periodes

First Period, Figurative 1981 to 1986

Flora enters a painter’s studio, discovers painting and has a passion for reflections.

During that time, Flora represents with an « impressionniste » touch what she likes and what she is moved by: nature, its landscapes, its seasons, its beauty.

Her first exhibit in 1983 fills the public and the critics with enthusiasm and gets praise in press for its remarquable paintings.

Flora works more and more in her studio in Saubens, it’s working alone that will make her studies early.

First Period : Figurative - FLORA ©
Second Period : "Abstravision" - FLORA ©

Second Period "Abstravision" de 1986 to 1993

Theorization of a Method… a Vison… "Abstravision" © Spadem 1989.

Fora confides in us her studies in an allegorical style by a play of facets.

The Artist is transposes its spirituality, asserts it in a method, "Abstravision" © (Spadem 1989), and theorizes it in her work notebooks (registration of copyright at the Société des gens de Lettres 1990).

With their completion, wide flat paintings made of lively lines and colours mark "Abstravision" of the Artist… 1993.

Third Period (present) : "Cosmo-géo-logique"© since 1993

Completion of a Method, a Vision, a Theory in a Technique

   Cosmo - for Cosmos
   Géo - for the Earth
   Logique - for Mind © ADAGP 1991.

This is this work that will lead Flora to her present style in « Relief », style that she gathers under the generic term « Cosmogéologique » © ADAGP 1994.

Flora shows her « Reliefs » to the public for the first time during an exhibit event (1995).

Flora associates this unique and original technique, the fruits of fifteen years of experience, with thoughts, legends, poems…

Faithful to her own renewal, Flora follows her thread, her thoughts, and her philosophy.

Third  Period : "Cosmo-géo-logique" - FLORA ©
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